Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Wish

The Republicans really need to get it together.

As a student of Sociology my inclination is towards social justice. In the debate over Health Care Reform, I've never been of a mind that the cost was the central issue. I felt (and continue to feel) strongly that the focus should be on the value. But that's just me. Now that that fight is over, I sure wish the Republicans would figure out a way to stop being such troglodytes among men and start offering some real IDEAS (what a concept!) for this country's future. Somewhere in the middle between so-called liberal ideals and conservative extremes, lies the way forward that is best for this nation. Would that there were enough push and pull on each side to help us find it.

Having spent the last several months doing not much else besides saying "No", "No" and "Hell no", perhaps they Republicans could come up with something else? Banking regulation? Nix. Health care reform? Nix. Cap and Trade? Neh. Do they have anything to offer? Is there anything they will come to the table for, apart from tax cuts? I'm guessing no. Well unless the Democrats suggest drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. They might come to the table for that, since they're so big on "Drill Baby! Drill!"

What troubles me is not the no's, I'm getting accustomed to those, it's the ugliness. Surely, we can agree to disagree? Surely we can disagree on substantive issues without name-calling and ugliness. Spitting and race-baiting. But I guess, if the other side had a substantive point to make, if they actually had an idea, rancor wouldn't be the stock in trade. As it is, the Party of No is actually the Party of No Ideas. Maybe I should join? I figure anybody with a single half-baked idea could lead that party right about now, and I've got at least two (half-baked ideas that is).

Opposition that opposes for the sake of opposing, with no intention of improving the majority's ideas is useless and ultimately harms us all. Hubris steps in and chaos or bad decision-making ensues. Surely you can do better than this? Surely we deserve better than this?

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