Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This Healthcare Debate is making me crazy!

Ah.......so much to say, so little space.

Over the last many weeks and months I've often had to remind myself that any conversation about health care where 'cost' rather than 'value' becomes the central point around which all arguments coalesce is pretty much a waste of time as the two notions cannot peacefully coexist.

Is this expensive yes. Is this necessary yes…but only necessary if, as a nation, we believe that there are no throwaway people. If we accept that some people should just be left to their fate, then doing nothing works just fine. If we believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness then perhaps we need to think again about reform.

Sometimes life is not as simple as "if you want what your neighbor has go work for it". Sometimes people get sick and can't work, what then should they do? Sometimes we are born with things growing where nothing should grow, what then should we do? Should such people never be free to have insurance and be protected from that and any other health curve balls that may be lobbed in their direction? I’m just wondering.

Let us not be coy. This reform, imperfect though it may be, isn’t about class warfare [though that’s a great clarion call for conservatives to rally round]. Seems to me it’s about life and death. It’s about access vs denial. I think once you shake all the other stuff off and quiet the noise and rancor, that’s the core principle. Is this America’s core principle? That people matter? I matter. Do you? Who gets to decide who does and who doesn't? Does my pocket book determine my value? Food for thought.

1 comment:

Elle Esse said...

previously posted on the White House LinkedIn discussion board.