Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!

At the end of every year, I consider how things have gone over the preceding twelve months. Over the last three or four years in particular, I've not wanted to peer too closely at things as things haven't progressed as well as I would have hoped. 2010, though was quite a departure. Perspective is a heckuva thing.

Though by many measures, I haven't done all that I would have liked, I was blessed to complete a project which, frankly, I've been wanting to complete for about 5 years.  Instead of being hampered by unemployment, I was freed by it.

People talk all the time about how being fired or downsized opens up new vistas, well, it's true for me as well.  As a consequence of the blessings of 2010, economic uncertainty notwithstanding, I see 2011 as an open year, brimming with new opportunities.  For once, I don't see the closure of a bad year but rather the opening of a great one, greater still than the one just ended. 

I'm very excited about 2011.  I hope you are too.  Happy New Year.

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