Tuesday, June 22, 2010

He did WHAT?

I'm trying to drum up some distress over the President's two hour vacation playing a round of golf on Father's Day.  So far, no luck.  I appreciate that others are getting their nickers in a twist, but really I can't imagine that President Obama taking two hours off has really set the course of American history back significantly.  I'm having much more success though getting pissed over General McChrystal's deeply ill-advised series of interviews with Rolling Stone magazine.  Good on ya, General.  Real classy.

When I read of the good general's complaints about the President, I say two things: first, he is entirely entitled to his opinions and second, he is free to express them.  I have no trouble with either his feelings or his expression of same.  I trust that if he gets fired, he won't complain that the President overreacted though because the President is as entitled to his opinion (negative from all reports) and his reaction (a firing I hope) as is the general.

We all want to be heard, as well we should, but with that freedom comes the uncertainty over how what we say will be received.  I'm almost hoping that the President sends the good general packing.  I appreciate that there is a need for continuity in the war effort, but this level of disrespect cannot go unacknowledged.  There is an alarming level of disrespect for this President (I won't suggest that it's because he's black but there are some who would) and it's really got to stop.  We have grown men in the house shouting that the President is a liar (and raising copious amounts of money in the immediate afternmath); you have the highest number of threats agains the person of the President in history; you have people refusing to meet the President when he comes to their state and now, you have the leader of the war effort making dismissive and disrespectful remarks not only about the President but also about the Vice-President and the National Security Adviser.  My question: are all of these people a problem really or are they a problem because they disagree with McChrystal?  Whatever the reasoning behind this most unfortunate event, McChrystal is so far wrong that I'm hopeful that he will tender his abject apologies and his resignation.  General, please close the door behind you as you depart, because it is most assuredly time for you to depart.

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