Monday, July 20, 2009

Get down off it

At some point in your life, you have to decide to get off the fence. For me, that day is today.

I have grown weary of waiting for someone else to see what I’m capable of doing. This is a society that rewards risk-taking. Perhaps if I had understood that eight years ago, I might not have ventured out of my homeland, but that is water under the bridge. In accounting terminology, you’d have to refer to that as a sunk cost. The time and effort that brought me out here (and there was a lot of each) is already invested into this venture so now, I simply have to make it work.

I kept hoping that someone would look up and see me, but that’s taking the path of least resistance. I wouldn’t actually have to do anything for that to happen. This however, is a society that rewards risk taking and taking risk means taking action. Well, it’s time to take some risks. The first risk is to get off the fence. So here I am. I’m clambering down. The throng on the ground below is thick and I worry that I may not make my way through it, but there’s one thing I know for sure….sitting up here on the fence, I definitely won’t get far.

Cross your fingers or say a prayer, whichever works for you. I’m off the fence.

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