Tuesday, November 5, 2019

"Not All White People", yet another conversational red herring

The minute I challenge one of America's fairytales, I hear "Not all White people!" coming at me from the cheap seats. 

This week, I  suggested that America's democracy has always been threatened by racism and that prior to 2016 White folk didn't much care that Black folks votes were being frustrated. They didn't feel the impact so what could be the harm? When whatever happened in 2016 occurred though, suddenly everyone could see how frustrating the Black vote could have a negative impact on an election outcome. in response, a stranger on social media chided me. This was a "terrible assumption" she said. Most White people weren't racists, she opined. "There wouldn't have been any civil rights legislation if they were", she cried.

First, lady please. Clutch them pearls elsewhere.

Second, civil rights legislation was (and remains) necessary only because someone (I wonder who?) was/is frustrating Black civil rights.  

That quick exchange left me thinking about a fuller response to the standard #NotAll foolishness that I encounter all too often. This is the response I plan to offer going forward.


You know what? You're right, it's not all White people. But it is enough of them that an entire war had to be fought to emancipate the enslaved. But you're right. Not all White people..

Not all White people but enough of them that a law had to be written to desegregate schools and still there was this response .....

...and in places like Prince Edward County, Virginia, entire school districts shut down for more than a year. But it wasn't ALL White people, nah just enough of y'all to close schools for five whole damn years. But sure, not all.

Nope, not all White people, but enough of them that lynching, bombing, pillaging successful Black communities was a thing. Y'all called them race riots, but in all the race riots in American history, only one race did the rioting, the other did the suffering. Imma let you guess who is who. 

But no, still not all White people.

Not all White people, but quite enough White people that laws plural had to be written and passed to give Black folk access to the ballot box. But I'm with you, not all White people.

Not all White people, but just enough White people that folks like John Lewis had to be willing to have their heads busted open to bring access to the ballot to Black people. But sure, not all White people.

So yes, I'll drink the "Not ALL White people" beverage that you want to serve, but lemme serve a little beverage of my own: it may not be all White people but it's definitely too damn many. And I'm not about to pretend with you that you're one in whom I should place my blind trust.


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