Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A quick thought about sh*tholes....

If the developing world is full of sh*th*les (otherwise known as struggling economies), may I just point out that that's because the developed world has stolen every good thing from them? And bombed or otherwise sabotaged whatever they couldn't steal?
If a country is a sh*thole, trust and believe that either Europe or the United States has dug the latrine and deposited their waste therein.

If the developing world is sending its shitholians to your shores and you'd prefer they not come and toxify your pristine environment, may I perhaps suggest that you invest in disincentives to immigration like say, foreign policy that doesn't turn their countries into desert wastelands; doesn't denude their green spaces; toxify their air and water; doesn't turn their people into 21st century slaves making shitty products that they themselves will never own?
Just a thought.
Let's be truthful shall we? Immigrants immigrate for opportunity. Opportunities not available where they are are typically unavailable because powerful nations have so tilted the scales in their favor that desperation is the lot of the majority of the poor in those countries. Middle and upper class people in Sh*tholia either choose immigration for educational opportunity or choose to remain in sh*tholes because they can be safe and comfortable. Poor people grab opportunities for immigration (legal or illegal) when the imperative is survival. 
If you want to discourage immigration, maybe you should consider discontinuing your colonialist policy (and paying reparations for the centuries of harm you have done).
Just a thought.

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