Is there such a thing as a 'spiritual emetic' or perhaps an 'emotional emetic'? If there is, I need to know where it can be bought. I feel like I need to have some on hand, just in case I absorb anything unhealthy on any given day.

If for example, you have spent much of your life being fed a steady diet of 'you don't belong here', 'you are not worthy', there must - for your health's sake - come a time when you spit that up and out.
If you have spent much of your life being fed a steady diet of 'you are stupid and worthless', there should come a time when you spit that up and out. There should. Indeed, there must.
In Trinidad & Tobago (where I was when these thoughts first occurred to me), we just celebrated Emancipation (August 1st). May I suggest that we all need to emancipate ourselves from the various poisons in our guts and spirits? Get an emetic, a laxative, a counselor, a priest, a shaman. Whatever it takes. Get that garbage up and out and don't for the love of Heaven, go back for more.
As the late great Bob Marley once said, "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds." No time better than right now to set yourself free.
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