Not too
long ago, a friend asked me to attend an event at which she was to have a
role. I had intended to go, but life got in the way. I'm not sure of the
specific events of the week, but there was ugliness in the right-wing media about
women (I'm one of those); immigrants (guilty again as charged) and people of
color (three for three!) that week and frankly, it had the effect of laying me flat.
When I wrote to my friend and advised her that I wouldn't be available because
I wasn't feeling right, she responded, "I'm so sorry you're feeling bad
again (still?). Feel better." I replied making
clear what all was causing my upset. Her response to my articulation of my issues?
Silence. It wasn’t the first time I’d felt misheard or ignored but it was to be the
last in that particular dyad. The willful deafness to my story told me everything I wanted or needed to
know. It told me that I needed to guard my soul, my self. I have done so.
A couple of
weeks ago, when the whole Taylor Swift/Kanye West/Kim Kardashian's receipts
story broke, Damon Young of Very Smart Brothas wrote a terrific piece about White feminism and
its performative feature(s). Specifically, Damon referred to it as "White
female performative faux melodrama". After I had cackled, I thought to
myself, "Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm!"
I am not
for a moment claiming that Swift doesn't have a just cause against West against
his petty ugliness on his latest CD, but I am saying that it is interesting
that in every exchange, Ms. Swift manages to paint herself as the damsel in
distress in need of saving, and in the very next breath, she calls herself a
feminist. That crap gets old. At this point, it's performance art and it is
tired and tiresome.
As much of a feminist as she is though, I never heard a mumblin' word out of her and her like-minded so-called feminist friends when actor Leslie Jones was being brutalized on Twitter not too long ago. What I've come to accept is that feminism, much like the 19th Amendment when it was first passed, really doesn't have my needs in mind. I'm an afterthought to 'mainstream' feminism. When today's feminists act in defense of women, it ain't women who look like me. I get it.
makes me wonder about the long history of the deft use (wielding, really) of delicate 'please protect me' White womanhood to
brutalize men of color and by extension their families and to raise up the reptilian passions of White men against those same groups. I think
it’s that understanding that causes me to have a bit of a disconnect with
Hillary Clinton. Whether she wants/ed to or no, her super predators
remark stands, for me, as a strategic inflection point in my understanding of who she is and who she's working for. I don't hate her. I
don't think she should go to jail. I don't have especially strong negative
feelings about her, I'm just not quite convinced that when she speaks for women, she's actually speaking to or for me. Perhaps, my disconnect is not
so much with Hillary as it is with American feminism which very casually and routinely
excludes women of color.
I read
something some time ago about women and the KKK and realized as I was reading,
that it was a narrative with which not only was I not familiar, it was
something I simply hadn’t considered.
We know that early twentieth century lynch mobs were
primarily comprised of men. It was they who did the actual lynching, but Sunday after church lynch
attendees included a good many nice Christian women and their children. No one had to beg them to
show up. They attended of their own volition. More important still, lynchings
frequently began with a White woman claiming that some Black man had somehow
offended the ‘natural order’ by making advances towards her. Frequently, the entire story was more of
what Young referred to as “White female performative faux melodrama” but no one knew that in the moment did they? Nor did they care.
These women are ever taken at their word when they claim that something
has occurred and White men race off and handle it. No need for Olivia Pope, it's handled! That is still the case. Surely, we all
remember the case of Susan
Smith? She who strapped her children into their car seats and rolled her car
into a lake. When questioned by the police, she claimed that a Black man had stolen the car and her children. It
was several days before she broke down and told the truth. Until she did, the
police were out searching for a Black man and her two White children. And it ain't only White women who excel at this type of performance. Surely we remember John Crawford, shot dead in a Walmart carrying an air rifle he was seeking to purchase? Ronald Richie called 911 and claimed that Mr. Crawford was threatening shoppers with the gun. No such claim has been proven but Mr. Crawford will threaten no one ever again.
So forgive me if former FLOTUS Clinton's claim, in the height of the crack cocaine epidemic, that some of us were super-predators (a term, hithertofore
used only to describe animals) who needed to be brought to heel (a term
hithertofore used in reference to animals) casts a long ugly and dark shadow which I can't shake. Since those days of super-predation, folk have been routinely bringing young Black men to heel, courtesy the school to prison pipeline, Stop & Frisk, three strikes laws and the granddaddy of 'em all, extra-judicial executions on the streets.

I'm sure Sec'y Clinton is a wonderful mother,
but does she comprehend that maternal wonderfulness is directly related to resource
availability? I just don't know.
I'm sure that she regrets the unintended consequences of the
1994 Crime Bill signed by her husband, but I'm not sure that either she or Bill
will ever admit to the unintended consequences of the 1994 Crime Bill.
I'm sure she wants women around
the world to make a better living, but I'm not sure that she took that into consideration when her State Department
sided with billion-dollar garment companies to limit wage growth for Haitian manufacturing workers or that she will give equal weight to workers when faced with a TPP bill.
I'm sure she decries the horror
that is the for-profit prison industry but I'm not sure that she refuses their contributions to her campaigns or that she will ever call out the industry for being what it is: entirely odious and an abomination.
Is she
qualified? Hell yeah that goes without saying. Am I a fangirl though? No. I'm not. I don't know that I ever will be.
Damon Young, in
his article on VSB, describes Taylor as the coworker who manages to parlay the
smallest slight into a raise and a promotion through Oscar-worthy performance
of faux melodrama. I am not convinced that Taylor and Hillary aren't kissing
kin. Hillary is guilty of her own form of faux melodrama, her own form of crying wolf.
I won’t soon forget Madame Secretary of State on the debate stage with
Bernie Sanders claiming - with a straight face - that she couldn’t
possibly represent the establishment because she’s a girl. A Clinton? Not
establishment? I don't see it. The former Secretary who holds every establishment
position that it is possible to hold and who is supported by a good two-thirds of the House and Senate claims to be an outsider? Um, k. The Secretary is as establishment as it's possible to be
and at the same time gets to claim "I am woman hear me roar"
Not too long ago, a friend asked me to attend an event at which she was to have a role. I had intended to go, but life got in the way. I feel much the same way about Hillary. I want to be all in, I want to be a fan but life keeps getting in the way, history keeps getting in the way.
I know better now than to expect the Secretary of State or any politician to have me on their mind when they make their decisions as president. I know that I must guard my soul, my self. I know that whomever wins in the fall, I'm on my own. So I'm with her, but I'm both weary and wary. As we say at home, Tom drunk but Tom eh no fool. Tom knows that drunk or sober, he'd better mind his business.
I'm with her but I'm watching my step and my back.
I know better now than to expect the Secretary of State or any politician to have me on their mind when they make their decisions as president. I know that I must guard my soul, my self. I know that whomever wins in the fall, I'm on my own. So I'm with her, but I'm both weary and wary. As we say at home, Tom drunk but Tom eh no fool. Tom knows that drunk or sober, he'd better mind his business.
I'm with her but I'm watching my step and my back.